Prissy Green's giveaway for a year supply of skin care!

Prissy Green is having the most amazing for Pevonia Botanical. This a definite one to enter!!


Grammy Mouse said...

Hi Sasha,

I am a fairly new blogger & follower of you site.
I digg the none traditional stuff you post & yap about.
I want to thank you for turning me onto the this Prissy Green site. I love a lot of the products she has reviewed & talks about. I signed up for her newsletter, too.

I hope you are enjoying your moms day with your lil' boo , as cute as she is :-)

I don't post much, and only enter for things that I will use or need! or can donate to a local womens or animal shelter.
But I see you have some great contests coming up.
I enjoyed the poem you shared today... I can see maybe why your high school teacher shared it, it seems to have some angst & self worth issues in it we all deal with on a continuing basis.

till later...

Faythe aka/grammymouse