Since I've started doing reviews on here, I've mostly gotten the chance to try out products from many different companies that sell organic, natural, hand made skin care. Because of the opportunities I've gotten to review these products I've been introduced to the world of chemical- free skin and hair care and have never looked back since. I've encountered awesome products from great companies that sincerely want to make and sell only 100% natural products, but I have also encountered several companies that claim to sell products that are organic and chemical free when they are in fact actually not. All it takes is a glance at a product's ingredients list to see what it's truly made from.
But I'm happy to say a company I recently found out about called Foreue is seriously the real deal. Foreue wants their customers to know that they can take comfort in knowing that only the best ingredients from nature, that bring no harm to animals yet bring high quality to humans, are included in their formulas.
Foreue Natural Skin Care Review
Posted by Sasha222 at 5:57 PM at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Reviews
Couture Nerd $100 Sephora Giftcard Giveaway
Now here is a giveaway everyone is going to love and want to enter. As I've mentioned in previous posts Couture Nerd is having a giveaway everyday in July. And I'm talking MAJOR giveaways. This one in particular is for a $100 giftcard to Sephora. Now if Lush is my candy store for bath/body/hair products, then Sephora is the make-up candy store of my sweet sweet dreams! I went there one time with my sister and I literally didn't want to leave. I wanted to sleep on their floor and play with their make-up samples all night long. But then I remembered I had a kid in a stroller with me and snapped myself out of the fantasy of hiding behind the MAC make-up section until the lights went out. So if you also have fantasies of living inside a make-up store and want to enter this fabulous giveaway then head over to the mother of all giveaway blogs, Couture Nerd and enter this giveaway, along with all the other's they've got running!
Posted by Sasha222 at 7:53 PM at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: other giveaways
Couture Nerd $100 Visa Giveaway
Well, get used to these Couture Nerd posts because their giveaways keep getting better and better, and I'm going to make sure and enter all of them! lol Well for this wonderful edition of awesome giveaways, Couture Nerd is giving away a $100 Visa Giftcard! This way if I don't win the Lush Cosmetics Giftcard giveaway I still got a shot at this one and I can blow all of it on Lush! haha. So make sure to head on down to Couture Nerd and enter this giveaway along with all the other great ones they've got going. And keep a look out for future giveaways since they are having one every day in July!
Posted by Sasha222 at 7:46 PM at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: other giveaways
Couture Nerd $100 Giftcard Giveaway to any store you choose!
I honestly think that Couture Nerd is officially my favorite blog. They have been having some incredible giveaways lately and every day in July they will be hosting a new giveaway. And these aren't your ordinary giveaways these are MAJOR ones. Recently I made a post about their $200 Giftcard giveaway to Lush which I'm dying to win and now they are having a $100 Giftcard Giveaway to any store you want! I've never seen a blog do a giveaway for literally any store that you choose. Of course if I win I'm going to choose Lush because I could totally get my money's worth at that store and Couture Nerd has already gotten my hopes up with their Lush GC giveaway! So make sure to stop by Couture Nerd's blog for this giveaway, along with all the other great ones they have going and are going to have in the future! There are tons of ways to enter and many extra entry possibilities!
Posted by Sasha222 at 8:06 PM at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: other giveaways
Lush Products That Transformed My Skin and Hair!
I had always been curious about Lush's solid shampoos, mostly because I liked the idea of no packaging and that these little hockey puck sized bars could last though at least 80 washes, but I was wearing that they wouldn't hold up with my super thick, long hair and sensitive scalp. Boy was I wrong! These solid shampoos are the best things I've ever used on my hair and there is no going back now. I have both the Godiva and Ultimate Shine Solid Shampoos and my hair looks like I stepped right out of a Pantene Pro-V photo shopped ad! No Joke. The Godiva is a shampoo & conditioner in one and it moisturizes my hair so well I barely have to straighten it after washing it. It just makes my hair so soft and smooth I can just air dry it and it looks great. After using Ultimate shine I decided to flat iron it just a tad, and I didn't even have to blow dry it straight first. The name Ultimate Shine says it all, my hair is literally glistening with shine as you will see in the pictures. I get compliments on how much people like my hair more then ever now. So basically all you gotta do is give one of these bars a try and you won't need anymore convincing. $9.95 for a bar seems a little steep but when you think about how much longer it lasts compared to bottled shampoo, how much better for the environment it is, and how effing great your hair looks it's a solid deal!
Posted by Sasha222 at 3:46 PM at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging Madness
Aromatic Health Review
Although a lot of companies use the word Aromatherapy as a marketing tool it doesn't necessarily mean that they are actually using pure and natural ecessential oils in their products. I'm grateful that I got the chance to do a review for a company called Aromatic Health which stands behind being completely true to what Aromatherapy is really supposed to be about.
Aromatic Health carries products that are hand made, using only pure and organic essential oils and raw ingredients. Their products are cruelty free and do not contain synthetic fragrances, parabens, petrochemicals or preservatives. Another thing I love, and that is important to me, is that they use a minimal amount of packaging and promote the recycling or the re-use of their jars and bottles. Their Aromatherapist, who has been practicing for 10 years, uses her knowledge and experience to create essential oil products, and provide consultation services to aid in the healing of the body, mind and spirit.
I was lucky enough to get the chance to try out two of their awesome products to review. First was the Citrus Facial Toner. I absolutely loved this product and used it to the very last drop. Facial toners are very important after cleansing the skin because it allows the skin to absorb moisturizer more effectively. I have sensitive, combination skin that can break out or become oily very easily. This 100% natural, cruelty free, non-toxic, and Vegan toner is gentle enough to use everyday and still effective enough to cleanse your skin thoroughly. After using it my skin always felt so clean and fresh, and the smell was absolutely wonderful. Citrus is an awesome ingredient to use for skin and hair and I make it a point to always add it in any of my own home made skin care that I make for myself.
The other product I got to review was their Stress Relief Oil that comes as a roll on. It's made with a blend of essential oils that are known for their relaxing and anxiolytic properties. You simply roll it on your temples, the back of your hands, and the nape of your neck. I use this product often whenever I'm feeling stressed out, especially when I'm having PMS. And this little roll on bottle will last forever.
Both of these products are great and affordable. I highly recommend what I personally got to try and I can't wait to try more of the many products they have available. If you are interested in learning more about the healthy benefits of Aromatherapy and would like to give it a try then Aromatic Health is the place for you!
Posted by Sasha222 at 8:21 AM at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Reviews
Giveaway for a $200 Gift Card to Lush Cosmetics!
Posted by Sasha222 at 1:32 PM at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: other giveaways
$100 Borders Books Gift Card Giveaway!
The Borders Double-Dog Dare Summer Reading Program encourages children 12 and under to read 10 books this summer and receive a free book! Just download the form from the website and bring it in by August 26th!
Posted by Sasha222 at 4:29 PM at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: other giveaways
My Baby Rocks Review
Posted by Sasha222 at 10:07 AM at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Reviews
R.I.P you beautiful dark Adonis.
I always love telling this story, although I never get a chance to because I hate bragging of any sort and I always think people don't want to hear me talk about myself simply because I don't want to hear them do it. But it was such a special, cool, and memorial night in my adolescence that I feel I should share it with the two people who actually read my
So when I was about 16 years old I went to see Type O Negative with my two friends Meghan and Christina. They were both die hard Type O fans as well, especially Christina. So we arrive at the House of Blues super early so we can get right in the front row, which we did. This was the first time I'd ever seen Type O in concert so I had no idea what I was in for. And when Peter Steel came out in all his 6'6 glory I was floored. He was the hugest man I'd ever seen with long black hair, chiseled features, and a voice that could literally blow the bass of your speakers out. We had a blast being so close to the stage, and we sang every word to every song as loud as we possibly could. When the concert was over we headed toward the door and my beautiful friend Christina was stopped by the band's roadie/bouncer dude. He then hands her 3 passes, tells her to give the other two to her friends, and come upstairs. I don't think anybody could or will ever scream as loud as we did right then.
So gripping onto our passes (which I still have) as if they were our first born children, we entered the elevator going upstairs to the "V.I.P" room. Just the feeling of being let through into the elevators by security alone was enough to satisfy our teenage hearts for the rest of our adolescence. As we entered into this new world we saw all the other opening bands, beautiful groupies that we had only seen the likes of before in magazines and rock videos, as well as various roadies, managers, and other band members from Type O Negative. Mind you, we are the youngest ones there, and we are no where near dressed like these other chicks. They were clad in leather and corsets from head to toe, topped off with "fuck me boots" like I've never seen. The three of us were in baggy pants, bandannas, and wife beaters. We stood out like a sore thumb and had no idea how to act or what to do with ourselves. So we sat on a couch being completely silent watching the craziness around us. Then suddenly we heard a commotion and saw that Peter Steel was walking into the room. All the hip people started to mob him, the chicks were all over him, and people were asking him questions left and right. He looked super annoyed and tired and as quickly as he came he started to leave. Before we could even compute that he had walked into the same room as us, he turned around as he had one foot in the elevator to go, looked right at me and my friends and said, "well.....are you coming or not?". I swear it's like something had to take over our little bodies for us at that moment or else we wouldn't have moved. We felt like Robots, getting up in sync with each other and following him into the elevator.
He didn't say a word the entire way up, and I literally felt like a little person being 5 foot 2 and standing next to this beautiful Polish giant. We then follow him into his dressing room, which was so hip and cool to us. I mean it was the House of Blues. Who knows how many awesome musicians had been in that room? For some reason there were already 3 stripper whore chicks waiting in there. I have no idea what or who they were there for because Peter acted as if they were ghosts and didn't even acknowledge their presence. So he sits down on one couch and offers us a seat on the other one. It's completely silent except for the giggles and hiccups of the drunk strippers sitting next to him. Without saying a word he begins to take his shoes off, then his socks, and starts picking at his feet. My friends and I have absolutely no idea what the holy fuck to say to this guy. It was so surreal and amazing. So we literally just sat and watched him pick at his massive feet. So the stripper whores decide to take it upon themselves to actually speak to Peter and start asking him stupid questions like how many pets he had or some shit. And all he responds with is "I just want quiet....I just want quiet", and rubs his aching head. To this day, I believe he chose us to sit with him in his dressing room simply because we were three young, silent girls. He never made any type of passes at us, and he only offered us vodka (his favorite drink) once and then realized how old we were and never asked again. Which is all very weird, because he is known for his overt sexuality (even posing nude in playgirl), so now that I think about it, maybe he was willing to take advantage of us all along.......SWEET! So we sat there and watched this mysterious, amazing, and talented man pick his feet, and mutter once or twice how much he desired silence, for about 2 hours or so. If it weren't for the fact that we were 16, it being a school night, and my friend's mom waiting to pick us up, we probably would have stayed in that magical place forever. When it was time to go he was so incredibly sweet to us, giving us autographs hugs. I swear that hug felt as if I was being cradled in the arms of the Dark Lord or something. Like if he were to never have let go I would have been lost in some mystical world of leather, black hair dye, and vodka.
The next day at school we, of course, wouldn't shut the fuck up about it, and we didn't care. To this day every time I hear Type O, or hear their named mentioned a little twinge of happiness fills me up. I will always remember our little adventure on that wonderful night. Life is meant to be full of various moments just like that, and I am so grateful that I at least got one for my books!
By the way, if you ever decide to Google "Peter Steele in Play Girl Magazine Picture" you are in for a HUGE
Posted by Sasha222 at 12:25 AM at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging Madness
Flirty Aprons discount for readers!
In order to thank all the blog readers Flirty Aprons would like to offer a 30% OFF COUPON!!!! To thank you for your support all you have to do is type in the code 30Coupon when checking out and you will get your 30% off. This coupon will end Sunday February 28th 2010 at midnight. You know how much I love cute aprons so this is a great deal! Head on over to Flirty Aprons now!
Posted by Sasha222 at 5:20 PM at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging Madness